Saturday, February 8, 2020

Stop driving like you're better than everyone else

It snowed. We live in Colorado and it IS February, it's not a big surprise. Now when it snows the roads get wet. And icy. And slick. So it seems to me that a normal person would slow the f#$@ down and stop driving like you're in a Fast And Furious movie. But maybe I'm weird.

So... I drive for a living and find that I can hardly wait for technology to allow 90% of people can stop driving so stupidly. Of course the people who shouldn't drive probably will continue to even though they never should have had a license. Yes, that run-on sentence was necessary. 

Most people drive poorly. I'm sorry if this offends you (not really) but seriously. Why do you act like every move is a personal hit to your place in this world? Driving is not a contest. If you're late don't make the rest of the world pay for your poor decisions. And for Christ's sake, stop playing bumper cars on the f#$@ing highway. It hurts. You or whomever you cut off and send into a panicked swerve into other innocent people who have no desire to wind up in the ER. 

And lastly, you're following too closely.

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