Sunday, February 16, 2020

I see the oddest things

I must start with a caveot... It was Valentine's day. But really... A giant teddy bear strapped to a roof is odd. And it was still rather wet from snowing so I'm not convinced that the poor thing arrived in decent condition. 
And why do people choose to go out in their lowered vehicles in poor conditions? This brilliant guy took out an axle right in front of the docks and had delivery trucks backed up for hours.
And this sled. I'm all for having fun and this looks like the ultimate in fun... Until someone winds up in the ER.
And though strange I have coveted this dragon for two years. 
And then there's this. 
I mean really. Does this really need to be stated? 

But all of these things bring laughter and joy. And those are the best things in life.

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