Sunday, February 16, 2020

I see the oddest things

I must start with a caveot... It was Valentine's day. But really... A giant teddy bear strapped to a roof is odd. And it was still rather wet from snowing so I'm not convinced that the poor thing arrived in decent condition. 
And why do people choose to go out in their lowered vehicles in poor conditions? This brilliant guy took out an axle right in front of the docks and had delivery trucks backed up for hours.
And this sled. I'm all for having fun and this looks like the ultimate in fun... Until someone winds up in the ER.
And though strange I have coveted this dragon for two years. 
And then there's this. 
I mean really. Does this really need to be stated? 

But all of these things bring laughter and joy. And those are the best things in life.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Stop driving like you're better than everyone else

It snowed. We live in Colorado and it IS February, it's not a big surprise. Now when it snows the roads get wet. And icy. And slick. So it seems to me that a normal person would slow the f#$@ down and stop driving like you're in a Fast And Furious movie. But maybe I'm weird.

So... I drive for a living and find that I can hardly wait for technology to allow 90% of people can stop driving so stupidly. Of course the people who shouldn't drive probably will continue to even though they never should have had a license. Yes, that run-on sentence was necessary. 

Most people drive poorly. I'm sorry if this offends you (not really) but seriously. Why do you act like every move is a personal hit to your place in this world? Driving is not a contest. If you're late don't make the rest of the world pay for your poor decisions. And for Christ's sake, stop playing bumper cars on the f#$@ing highway. It hurts. You or whomever you cut off and send into a panicked swerve into other innocent people who have no desire to wind up in the ER. 

And lastly, you're following too closely.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Maintaining Homeostasis

This is Hamish. In this photo he's my spirit animal.

Welcome to my new blog!  Im' socially awkward but have a great ability to entertain 90% of other humans.  Social niceties sometimes elude me because... well... likely Autism mixed with a rather unusual personality.  But who cares?  You're here for entertainment and I hope to provide this simple luxury.

Ahhh winter.  I'm a truck driver and this is what trucks look like after driving through slush.  It is not generally a problem until you have to disconnect the trailer.  Then there is a lot of cussing, filth, and moisture.  Typically I go through layers upon layers of clothing daily and end up having to wash my entire wardrobe while parading around in my oldest pair of underwear and a house coat after a very long shower.
In winter I feel good for the most part.  I WANT to do things because it's cool as after too many years living in Phoenix, AZ I NEVER WANT TO SWEAT AGAIN.  Of course having a broken body I also have severe allergies to Juniper and Cedar which both pollinate in winter making my nose and eyes rather non functional. Oh, and it triggers asthma. And facial swelling. 
Actually the only thing better in winter is the temps.  And snow.  I do love snow.  Snow is awesome.  

Unless there are 80 mph winds and you loose your greenhouse.
But I digress....

Lately I've been wanting to ride my horses. Being a truck driver I work a lot. A LOT.  I leave at stupid o'clock in the morning and return home about 12-16 hours later. I THINK about riding but the truth is I really don't ride much.  I do muck stalls and feed the large, fuzzy monsters daily.  That counts, right?
And I have fishes. 
Lots of fishes.
But mostly I work.  And play on my phone. Where I find spectacular memes.
And work.
So welcome to my new blog.  I hope to entertain you in the future in all things involved in my life.  Or whatever entertains my weird weird mind. And I'll actually plan out the next installment. Really.
